This is my blog post for INLS161 Assignment 4 - Collecting Data and Making a Database
You can check out my repository with the scripts and data: https://github.com/lydiatnguyen/lydiatnguyen-inls4
In this assignment, we were tasked with writing a script that would ask users questions and then save their responses into a CSV (comma separated value) file.
The five questions in my survey were: 1.What is your first and last name? 2.What is your field of study? 3.Where have you spent most of your life? 4.What year were you born? 5.What do you think is the most pressing issue of our time?
My script asked the users those questions and saved their answers into a separate folder. The next script put the CSV file into a MySQL database. This part of the class has been the most confusing for me, but I got through it!
I also got very interesting answers from people.
Thank you to those who took my survey and continuous thanks to John who is opening my eyes to all of this.